Utah Data Research Center
State of Utah's Longitudinal Data System
- Utah's source for reliable and trustworthy research findings of employment, education, and health.
- Research findings are summarized and made into visualizations for easier consumption.
- UDRC is the source of Utah data for employment, education, and health.
Upcoming Event
Bagels and Research: April 10, 2025
The Utah Data Research Center is hosting Bagels and Research on April 10, 2025, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in Salt Lake City. This event is free and open to the public. This year, UDRC research will include topics on nursing pathways, charter schools, and out-of-state student labor market attachment.
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Latest Published Research
Prior Learning Assessments and Postsecondary Outcomes
This analysis features the postsecondary outcomes of Utah high school graduates who received AP and CLEP credits and their association with lowering the time-to-degree, reducing the risk of dropout, and increasing postsecondary GPAs.
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Request Data for your Research
Through an online application process, the Utah Data Research Center is able to provide cross-agency data to external researchers from Utah state partners.
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