UDRC previews its new research at “Bagels & Research” Event
June 27, 2019
The Utah Data Research Center (UDRC) previewed its new research products and data narratives at an inaugural data research meetup with more than 50 peers from the research community including from higher education institutions, policy centers, non-profit organizations, and government agencies. Below are short summaries about the new research that will be released in the coming months from UDRC.
1. Outcomes of Working College Students in Utah
The number of college students who divide their time between work and school is on the rise, yet little is known about their outcomes. This study examines the effect of working on college performance for Utah's students by looking at outcomes such as average GPA, retention, time to graduation, and attendance. Tentative Release Date: July 2019
2. Economic ROI of Utah Technical Colleges
A growing need to fill demand for middle-skill labor has led many states, including Utah, to invest more heavily in career technical education (CTE) programs. The purpose of this study is to analyze the marginal benefit to the state from CTE certifications offered through technical colleges. Tentative Release Date: August 2019
3. Intergenerational Poverty in Utah
Intergenerational poverty affects over 70,000 individuals in Utah. This research aims to identify demographic, workforce, and education factors that increase the probability of experiencing intergenerational poverty. Tentative Release Date: October 2019
UDRC also shared its new external data request tool available online, which provides access to datasets from education, workforce, and health (coming soon) in Utah. This unique data comes from various government agencies and UDRC is the only entity with access to these connected datasets. UDRC is making this data available to external researchers who are able to request it through the new online tool. To learn more about making a data request, view this data request and variables handout or go to the Products page and click on “Apply for Data Access”.