Research Agenda Archive

2023 Research Agenda (July 2023 - June 2024)

Priority Agency Research Name Description
1 USBE/DHHS ASQ and Educational Outcomes Academic outcomes of children screened through the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) statewide early detection and intervention effort, as measured by standardized screening and assessment results completed in preschool, kindergarten, 3rd grade, and beyond
2 USBE/USHE/DWS Charter School Graduates' Outcomes Higher education and workforce outcomes for graduates of charter schools
3 USHE/DWS Prior Learning Assessments Effects of prior learning assessments (PLA) on short-term wage earnings (one, three, and potentially five years after graduation)
4 USHE/DWS Graduates' Wages and Cost of Living Relationship between the wages of recent public higher education graduates and Utah’s cost of living
5 USHE/DOPL/DWS Licensed Employment Higher education, licensure, and workforce outcomes for occupations requiring state licensure

2022 Research Agenda (July 2022 - June 2023)

Priority Agency Research Name Description
1 USHE/DWS Nursing Occupation Pathways Nursing occupation pathways, workforce outcomes, and regional differences in Utah's nursing workforce
2 DHHS/USBE Birth Circumstances and Early Education Outcomes An analysis of the relationship between birth weight, demographics, and KEEP scores
3 DWS/USHE Gender Wage Gap for Women of Color Exploration of Utah's gender wage gap with a focus on women of color and historically excluded racial and ethnic groups; potential to examine gap during COVID-19 pandemic
4 DWS/USHE CIP Families During the COVID-19 Pandemic In-depth analysis of wage outcomes for CIP families during the COVID-19 pandemic with demographic breakouts
5 DWS/USHE Monopsonies and the Wage Gap for Historically Excuded Groups Monopsony impact on the wage gap of historically excluded racial and ethnic groups with postsecondary education

2021 Research Agenda (July 2021 - June 2022)

Priority Agency Research Name Description
1 UDRC/DWS IGP 2021 Longitudinal Research How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the IGP 2012 cohort?
2 USHE Analysis of workforce outcomes for AS/AA/AAS recipients Insight into the workforce outcome for AS/AA/AAS recipients, controlling for program of study, industry of employment, gender, and age.
3 USHE Workforce outcomes analysis of stacked awardees Analysis of workforce outcomes for students who stack awards (e.g. AS then BS, certificate then BS, BS then MS, etc), considering outcomes both during and after the second degree.
4 USBE Review of outcomes for disabled students Descriptive review of the outcome space (higher education and workforce) for students with disabilities.
5 UDRC/DWS Firm size and wage growth for new post-secondary graduates Is there a relationship between wage growth through time, of post-secondary graduates, and the size of firms which they are employed?
6 USHE Time to employment after graduation Is there a correlation between the level and area of study on time to employment: An analysis of the correlation between degrees and CIP combinations in the time to employment metric.

2020 Research Agenda (July 2020 - June 2021)

Priority Agency Research Name Description
1 UDOH UDOH HII Ranked Communities and the P20W pipeline Is there a correlation between the HII rankings and outcomes in the P20W pipeline: An analysis that explores the varied health, educational, workforce outcomes for students and employees that were born in and/or reside within samples of the UDOH HII ranked communities.
2 USHE Public assistance usage and Higher Education Higher education's impact on public assistance: An analysis of USHE (universities, and colleges) student's higher education achievement and their public assistance usage.
3 USBE/USHE “Low-income” students' educational (USHE) outcomes Higher education outcomes (completion, level of award, time to degree, and cumulative GPA) of USBE graduates who were "low-income," as defined by the eligibility to free or reduced lunch benefits.
4 DWS-UDRC Workforce outcomes for "single-parents" Is there a correlation between workforce outcomes and being a "single-parent": An analysis of employment outcomes for single parents (defined as the existence of a single parent in the birth certificate) two to four years post-birth (currently could use mothers having given birth during 2016 - 2018.
5 USHE Time to employment after graduation Is there a correlation between the level and area of study on time to employment: An analysis of the correlation between degrees and CIP combinations in the time to employment metric

2019 Research Agenda (July 2019 - June 2020)

Priority Agency Research Name Description
1 DWS/UDRC & USHE Student mobility Mobility trends associated with the P20W pipeline
2 DWS/UDRC, USHE & USBE Student course patterns and their effects on college readiness An analysis of student high school course taking patterns and their influence on post-secondary outcomes.
3 DWS/UDRC & USHE Increased spending power for technical college graduates An analysis of the increased spending potential for UTech and USHE graduates
4 DWS/UDRC & USHE Gender wage discrimination An analysis of wages by gender for individuals who are recent graduates of a USHE or UTech institution
5 DWS/UDRC & USBE Public assistance and outcomes for children An analysis of children whose parents are on public assistance compared to those that are not
6 DWS/UDRC & USHE Previous public assistance customers who have completed higher education and their outcomes Outcomes for public assistance customers who completed higher education
7 DWS/UDRC & USHE Higher education's impact on public assistance An analysis of USHE students on public assistance
8 DWS/UDRC & USHE Economic hardships driving technical college and university enrollment   An analysis of adult students who were unemployed in the year or two prior to enrolling at a technical college or university
9 DWS/UDRC & USHE Utilization of tuition assistance by low-income students An analysis of tuition assistance usage between low income and the general student population
10 DWS/UDRC & USBE Workforce outcomes for students who do not complete high school Workforce outcomes of an incomplete secondary education
11 USBE Secondary student utilization of the technical colleges An analysis of secondary students attending technical colleges
12 DWS/UDRC, UDOH, & USBE Parental education and child educational attainment An analysis of parents' education level on the subsequent educational attainment of their children
13 DWS/UDRC, UDOH, & USBE Parental age at first birth and outcomes for these children An analysis of parents' age and the effect associated with K-12, college, and employment outcomes

2018 Research Agenda (July 2018 - June 2019)

Priority Agency Research Name Description
1 DWS/UDRC Statewide P20 goals and outcome metrics Several metrics related to the statewide P20 goals and outcomes
2 USHE Outcomes for those working while attending college The impact working while attending college has on completion, persistence, and grades
3 USTC Economic ROI of technical colleges An analysis of the marginal benefit (taxes) to the state of Utah accrued due to completion from a technical college
4 DWS/UDRC Supply and demand analysis/dashboard An analysis and ultimately a dashboard, providing information regarding supply and demand of labor, specifically labor requiring formal education
5 USBE Analysis of students who are going into specialized fields post secondary An analysis of the number of students who post graduation enter studies in specialized fields, and the effect that CTE may have on these choices
6 USHE ROI of education An analysis of the rate of return by degree type and area of study
7 DWS/UDRC Stackable credentials An analysis of the effectiveness of stackable credentials on labor outcomes
8 USHE Utilization of tuition assistance by low income students An analysis of the relationship between low income students and consumption of tuition assistance; for the purpose of discovering why it is that there is a sizable number of students who fall into the category of low income and do not utilize tuition assistance
9 USBE Workforce outcomes for students who do not complete high school An analysis of the workforce outcomes (wages) of students who do not complete high school, compared to those who do complete
10 USBE & UDOH Early intervention (Part C to B) outcomes An analysis (scholastic) of children who received early intervention Part C (birth to age 2) and were eligible for Part B (age 3 to 5) , compared to those children who did not receive Part C services and were eligible for Part B, including number of children eligible for Part B and length of time spent in Part B.
11 USTC Path dependent CTE education outcomes An analysis of going straight into the workforce after graduation versus attending college
12 USBE Path dependent temporal progress into the workforce An analysis of going straight into the workforce after graduation versus attending college
13 UDOH Outcomes for those enrolled in ECIDS programs An analysis (scholastic and or workforce) of program involvement; compared to a similar cohorts of children that did not participate
14 USBE Effect of being economically disadvantaged as a child on wage outcomes The effect of being economically disadvantaged as a child (defined by the utilization of school lunch discount programs) on wage and secondary education outcomes
15 UDOH The effect of ECIDS programs on economic gains An analysis of the economic gains accrued from the implementation of ECIDS programs
16 USTC Effect of higher education on public assistance usage An analysis of the effect of undertaking higher education on public assistance usage
17 USTC Student through workforce mobility An analysis of the mobility of individuals in the state of Utah, zip codes associated with USBE, USTC, USHE, and DWS data provide proxy for place of origin
18 UDOH Impact of programs with significant family engagement compared to those with less family engagement An analysis of programs with significant family engagement compared to programs with less family engagement