Students have many opportunities to gain competencies outside of degree-granting institutions, but their transcript may not always reflect that experience. Prior Learning Assessments (PLAs) allow students to receive university credit for experience and competencies gained outside of the institution (Sherron et al., 2019; Monica, 2019; McKay et al, 2016).
PLAs may benefit students by shortening time-to-degree (Boyle & Otts, 2018), increasing the likelihood of completing a credential program (Boatman et al., 2017; Klein-Collins and Hudson, 2018; McKay et al., 2016), and reinforcing prior learning (Taylor and Marinau, 2016). However, these benefits may vary significantly by demographic group or PLA type (McKay et al., 2016; Klein-Collins and Hudson, 2018). For the purposes of this study, PLAs include Advanced Placement (AP) and College-Level Examination Program (CLEP).
This study examines the relationships between AP and CLEP credit and higher education outcomes including: first-term GPA, time-to-degree, and risk of dropout. The sample includes those who graduated from a Utah high school between 2012 and 2016 and then enrolled in an associate’s or bachelor’s degree program at a USHE institution between their high school graduation through 2020. The study of first-term GPA includes 71,391 students, while the models of time-to-degree and risk of dropout divide the sample into groups of 26,890 associate’s degree-seekers and 30,950 bachelor’s degree-seekers. In all three models, the participants are pulled from the first institution from which they enrolled, but time-to-degree and risk of dropout do not include students who later transferred to another institution.
The Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) standardized the credits offered for AP and CLEP exam scores across the system’s eight degree-granting institutions, effective starting in the academic year 2021. This study will establish baseline effects of AP and CLEP credits for those who first enrolled in an associate or bachelor’s degree program before the standardization policy took effect.
Summary of Findings
Finding 1: PLA credit is associated with lower time-to-degree and reduced risk of dropout.
Finding 4: PLAs may mitigate some of the negative effects of financial hardship.